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Bild: Sebastian, stock.adobe.com

3rd Workshop in Romandie - Science on Stage Switzerland


10:00 - 15:15


4, bd d’Yvoy, 1205 Genève


Espace d’Accueil du Scienscope, rez-de-chaussée du bâtiment „Sciences II“ de la Faculté des Sciences de l’Université de Genève, quai Ernest-Ansermet 30 à Genève

Science on Stage Switzerland organized a meeting on Friday 11 November 2022 with the Chimiscope of the University of Geneva.

Visite du Chimiscope par les participantes et participants du workshop Science on Stage Switzerland
Bild: G. Pinto

The aim of the day was to present the experiments of Adrian Allan, representative of Science on Stage UK and participant in the European festival.

Adrian is a chemistry teacher at Dornoch Academy in Scotland. He will be showing some of the projects he has set up in his classes to motivate and inspire his pupils. He uses chemistry and magic tricks to help his secondary school students understand basic scientific principles.

The participants of this day have also visited a part of the Scienscope of the University of Geneva (Infoscope, Mathscope, Bioscope, Physiscope et Chimiscope).

Description of the workshop: Spectacular science demonstrations and magic illusions have many things in common. They involve practice, showmanship, audience interaction and suspense followed by a moment of astonishment. This workshop will show an exciting selection of magic "tricks" which are in fact demonstrations of hidden science. Use them as introductions to topics or simply as puzzles for students to solve. These demonstrations can be used by teachers but have also been taught to students who have in turns demonstrated these illusions to other students and parents.

  • Mathscope – 3e workshop Romandie – Science on Stage Switzerland
  • Physicope – 3e workshop Romandie – Science on Stage Switzerland
  • Adrian Allan – 3e Workshop Romandie – Science on Stage Switzerland
  • 3e workshop Romandie – Science on Stage Switzerland
  • Mathscope – 3e workshop Romandie – Science on Stage SwitzerlandBild: Anne Jacob, Science on Stage Switzerland1/4
  • Physicope – 3e workshop Romandie – Science on Stage SwitzerlandBild: Anne Jacob, Science on Stage Switzerland2/4
  • Adrian Allan – 3e Workshop Romandie – Science on Stage SwitzerlandBild: Anne Jacob, Science on Stage Switzerland3/4
  • 3e workshop Romandie – Science on Stage SwitzerlandBild: Anne Jacob, Science on Stage Switzerland4/4


  • Primarschule
  • Sekundarschule I
  • Sekundarschule II
For teachers with students aged 10 to 18.
Sprachen: Englisch, Französisch