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Image: Sebastian,

Science-Policy Workshop on Access and Benefit-Sharing for Non-commercial Academic Research


Lima, peru

Lima, Peru, 20-22 November 2013


The workshop was focused on ABS issues in regards in the LAC region and gathered 40 participants from various countries. The workshop represented research and policy actors from nine LAC countries, namely Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico and Peru.
The workshop was launched by a cocktail on the evening of 19 November, with a welcome speech from Fabiola Munhoz, General Director of Forestry and Wildlife (DGFF), Ministerio de Agriculura y Riego of Peru.
The workshop discussions were rich and addressed the identification of benefits from non-commercial, academic research; challenges and opportunities for implementing access and benefit-sharing in the LAC region; and compared the different legal processes of access and benefit-sharing of the countries represented.
The event was successful and constructive at initiating a science-policy dialogue. All participants concluded by expressing their wish that this workshop should be the first step in a longer-term process of discussing and facilitating ABS for academic research in LAC on the basis of a science-policy dialogue.
The workshop was jointly organised by DIVERSITAS, ICSU ROLAC, SCNAT, IUBS, the University of Bonn (Uni-Bonn), and the German Research Foundation (DFG), with the participation of the GEF UNEP IUCN-Sur Regional Project ABS LAC.


Languages: English