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Image : Sebastian,

IPCC: Expert Review of Second Order Draft of the IPCC AR6 Working Group II

The Second Order Draft (SOD) of the Working Group II contribution to the AR6, Climate Change 2021: Impacts, Adaptation and vulnerability is now open for expert review.


The expert review of the First Order Draft will take place from
4 December 2020 to 29 January 2021.

If you are interested in Reviewing the SOD please register until 22 January 2021 on

About the AR6 WGII contribution

The Working Group II contribution to the AR6 assesses the impacts of climate change, from a world-wide to a regional view of ecosystems and biodiversity, and of humans and their diverse societies, cultures and settlements. It considers their vulnerabilities and the capacities and limits of these natural and human systems to adapt to climate change and thereby reduce climate-associated risks together with options for creating a sustainable future for all through an equitable and integrated approach to mitigation and adaptation efforts at all scales.

During the review, experts may comment on the structure and comprehensiveness of the report and suggest improvements on the presentation of materials graphically or through tables. They may also propose revisions, relevant additional papers with full citation, and shorten text without losing relevant information.
This version includes the first draft of the Summary for Policymakers.

Report web page:
Outline of the report:

Note that there is a special cross-chapter paper on mountains.

Please note that the SOD is a confidential document which must not be distributed, cited or quoted. To register for the review, a self-declaration of expertise is required. Once the registration is complete, and before accessing the draft, reviewers agree to the terms of the review, including the confidentiality of the draft and review materials, which are provided solely for the purpose of the review.

Additional information on the role of Expert Reviewer is available in Annex 1 of Appendix A to the Principles Governing IPCC Work. Please also see here an information note explaining the Expert Review process:

If you have any questions about the process, please contact , ProClim, or , Vice-Chair IPCC WG II.
