La SCNAT e la sua rete adottano iniziative per una società e una comunità scientifica sostenibile. Appoggiano la politica, il governo e l’economia fornendo competenze e mantenendo un dialogo con i cittadini. Rafforzano la condivisione delle discipline scientifiche e promuovono le nuove generazioni accademiche.

Immagine: Sebastian,

We Scientists 2035

We Scientists 2035 Workshop Day

Small changes today for better research tomorrow

What do the publishing system, research integrity, work-life balance, academic recognition, equal opportunities, promoting team science, implementing open data policies have in common? They are all part of research culture! Our modern academic system can foster doubtful practices. Nevertheless, positive change in our working environments is possible.

The"We Scientists 2035" were to designed to co-create manageable first steps towards a healthier research culture!

As part of SCNAT’s ongoing commitment to research culture issues, we have adapted the UK Royal Society’s "Visions of 2035" workshops. The workshops use speculative design scenarios to encourage novel thinking about what an idealised research culture would look like in 2035. Through discussions and a series of brainstorming activities, you will be equipped to start with small positive changes.

The workshops are open to researchers of all career stages as well as academic support staff (e.g. careers offices and technicians).

You can run your own workshop by downloading the facilitator pack here.

Find out what ideal futures and novel ideas previous workshop participants have come up with by looking at Shaping Science: how to start.

We Scientists 2035 workshop day at University of Lausanne (Feb 2019)

  • Nobel prize laureat Jacques Dubochet discussing research culture at the workshops wescientists 2035 Lausanne
  • Workshops wescientists 2035 Lausanne on February 2019
  • Young scientists reflecting research culture at the workshops wescientists 2035 Lausanne
  • Scientists discussing the scenario THE LAB at the workshop wescientists 2035 Lausanne
  • Over 100 ideas on how to shape research culture at the workshops wescientists 2035 Lausanne
  • The Catalyst improvising ideas on how to shape research culture at the workshops wescientists 2035 Lausanne
  • Simone Schürle and Jacques Dubochet at the workshops wescientists 2035 Lausanne
  • Nobel prize laureat Jacques Dubochet discussing research culture at the workshops wescientists 2035 LausanneImmagine: Hugo Vincent1/7
  • Workshops wescientists 2035 Lausanne on February 2019Immagine: Hugo Vincent2/7
  • Young scientists reflecting research culture at the workshops wescientists 2035 LausanneImmagine: Hugo Vincent3/7
  • Scientists discussing the scenario THE LAB at the workshop wescientists 2035 LausanneImmagine: Hugo Vincent4/7
  • Over 100 ideas on how to shape research culture at the workshops wescientists 2035 LausanneImmagine: Hugo Vincent5/7
  • The Catalyst improvising ideas on how to shape research culture at the workshops wescientists 2035 LausanneImmagine: Hugo Vincent6/7
  • Simone Schürle and Jacques Dubochet at the workshops wescientists 2035 LausanneImmagine: Hugo Vincent7/7

Past events


Accademia svizzera di scienze naturali (SCNAT)
Casa delle Accademie
Casella postale
3001 Berna