La SCNAT et son réseau s'engagent pour une société et une science durables. Ils soutiennent la politique, l'administration et les entreprises avec des connaissances spécialisées et entretiennent un dialogue avec le public. Ils renforcent les échanges entre disciplines scientifiques et promeuvent les jeunes universitaires.

Image : Sebastian,

«Sustainable Water Management» (National Research Programme 61)

Call for pre-proposals by January 20, 2009

Wasser (Symbolbild)
Image : Edith Oosenbrug

The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) issues a public call for pre-proposals for the National Research Programme «Sustainable Water Management» (NRP 61). The NRP 61 will operate with a budget of CHF 12 million.
The NRP 61 comprises two research axes: «Nature System» and «Social System». The projects are grouped in three modules: Hydrological processes and hydrological extremes, Sustainable water resources management, and Socio-economic change.
Management and submission of pre-proposals
The deadline for submitting pre-proposals is January 20, 2009. When preparing and submitting pre-proposals, researchers are asked to follow the instructions in the Implementation Plan and to submit and manage their applications online at the SNSF Web platform mySNF.
Source: Swiss National Science Foundation
