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Image : Sebastian,

53rd Saas Fee Advanced Course 2024

From Stars to Planets in the Space-based Photometry Era

Lieu de l'événement

Konferenzzentrum Steinmatte
Lomattenstrasse 7
CH-3906 Saas Fee

Lieu de rendez-vous

Steinmatte lecture hall

In the context of the exponential development of both fields of asteroseismology and exoplanetology, the precise and accurate characterization of planet-hosting stars appears as a perfect example of fruitful synergies between two dynamic research fields.

Image : ESA (work performed by ATG under contract to ESA), CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

Asteroseismology is now the golden path to constrain the internal structure and evolution of stars, impacting the precision of planetary parameters and the understanding we have of exoplanetary systems. In parallel, the diversity of observed exoplanetary systems has now pushed scientists to attempt at characterizing the dynamical and atmospheric evolution of exoplanets, to link their properties to the evolution of their host stars. This has called for further analyses of star-planet interactions to explain observational features and better understand how these interactions shape the properties and evolution of exoplanets.

In this Winter course, we propose to cover three topics: first the study of solar-like oscillations in the context of the study of exoplanet host stars. Second, we will cover the various types of star-planet interactions possible, such as tidal, radiative or magnetic interactions. Last but not least, we will also cover the link between the properties of planetary systems and their host stars.

Invited Lecturers: Dr. Maria Pia Di Mauro, Prof. Aline Vidotto, Dr. James Owen


The number of participants is limited to 60.
Langues : Anglais