La SCNAT et son réseau s'engagent pour une société et une science durables. Ils soutiennent la politique, l'administration et les entreprises avec des connaissances spécialisées et entretiennent un dialogue avec le public. Ils renforcent les échanges entre disciplines scientifiques et promeuvent les jeunes universitaires.

Image : Sebastian,

IPCC Special Report 1.5°C: First Order Draft open for review

The First Order Draft (FOD) of the IPCC Special Report on 1.5 °C ("Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways") is now available for expert review.

Global Warming

On behalf of the secretariat of IPCC and the Swiss IPCC Focal Point at FOEN/BAFU we encourage you to take part in the Expert Review process.

If you are interested in this review, please register until 17 September 2017 midnight (GMT +1) on:

The Expert Review period starts on Monday, 31 July 2017, and ends on Sunday, 24 September 2017, midnight (GMT + 1).

Please inform us (), if you take part in the review process and send us a copy of your comments, if possible. Thank you!

If you have any questions about the process, please contact the IPCC Working Group I TSU at <>.

The Government and Expert Review of the Second Order Draft of the Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C will follow in 2018 (9 January to 25 February).


  • Réchauffement planétaire


Dr. Urs Neu
ProClim − Forum sur le climat et les changements globaux (ProClim)
Maison des Académies
Case postale
3001 Berne