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Image : Sebastian,

EurSafe 2021

Justice and Food Security in a Changing Climate

The 2021 Congress of the European Society for Agriculture and Food Ethics (EurSafe) focuses on ethical issues concerning food security in times of a changing climate.

Monoculture crops
Image : EurSafe 2021

With the Sustainable Development Goals, the global community has agreed to end hunger and malnutrition in all of its forms by 2030. However, the number of chronically undernourished people has increased continuously each year from 775 million in 2014 to 821 million in 2017. Ongoing climate change and the necessary action to be taken are very likely to aggravate this situation even more.

Strategies to mitigate climate change and adapting agricultural production to radically changing climatic conditions are necessary. However, to reach the goal agreed upon at COP 21 in Paris (2015) ‘to limit global warming to well below 2 °C’, the implementation of negative emission technologies becomes necessary, furhter increasing food insecurity due to unprecedented competition for agricultural land.

The EurSafe Conference 2021 in Fribourg focuses on the key concerns of ethics and justice as a consequence of these climate change challenges. Read more and register on the conference website.


Due to restrictions related to the Coronavirus pandemic, the conference will be held online
Langues : Anglais