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Image : Sebastian,

International Project AdaptAlp

Climate Change Impacts in the Alpine region

Wetter und Klima (Symbolbild)
Image : NASA

16 project partners from six different countries (Switzerland, Austria, Germany, France, Italy and Slovenia) are involved in AdaptAlp with the overall aim of assessing impacts of and adaptation to climate change in the Alpine Space. AdaptAlp is an Alpine Space Programme (Priority 3: Environment and Risk Prevention) project, which is part of the European Territorial Cooperation 2007-2013.
In the course of the project, recommendations for policy-makers and local stakeholders will be derived regarding adaptation strategies and disaster risk management. In various pilot regions the experiences and results of the project activities will be brought together in order to find «best-practice» examples.
Switzerland is coordinating one part of a project. The new developed online tool RiskPlan will be tested. The Federal Office of Civil Protection and the Federal Office for the Environment developed this tool in cooperation with experts from research and the private sector with the aim of promoting risk-based planning and decision-making, on the one hand, and an understanding of the need for a dialogue about risk, on the other.


  • Alpes