La SCNAT et son réseau s'engagent pour une société et une science durables. Ils soutiennent la politique, l'administration et les entreprises avec des connaissances spécialisées et entretiennent un dialogue avec le public. Ils renforcent les échanges entre disciplines scientifiques et promeuvent les jeunes universitaires.

Image : Sebastian,

ePalaeontology - new website

International palaeontological portal

There has recently been established a new international palaeontological portal «ePalaeontology«. It is the electronic heart of a community of online palaeontologists. The whole material is published in accord with the Creative Commons License. This allows sharing of the material and the contents with others. ePalaeontology freely makes available usable scientific material for your own research. In the Downloads it is possible to freely find files of images and scientific software. Everybody is invited to contribute to this interesting project of search and sharing of the paleontological resources. In order to offer the best and most varied service to the increasing number of users, ePalaeontology is currently considering the option of acepting external contributions (news, articles, links suggestions etc.) from its users.

Mensch (Symbolbild)
Image : Robert_Kneschke,

You can find the ePalaeontology website at

Source: PAGES


  • Paléontologie (biol.)