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Image: Sebastian,

From Organoids to Organisms: Multiscale imaging

Symposium of the Microscopy Imaging Center


10:00 - 15:50


Langhans Auditorium, Institute of Pathology,
University of Bern, Inselspital,
Entrance Freiburgstrasse 43A

Meeting place

Langhans Auditorium, Institute of Pathology,
University of Bern, Inselspital,
Entrance Freiburgstrasse 43A

The topic of this year is “From Organoids to Organisms: Multiscale imaging”. The Swiss and international speakers will inform us about latest developments in microscopy, see program details in the attached flyer. Feel free to extend this invitation to your colleagues as well.

MIC symposium 2019 teaser image

The participation is free and open to everyone interested, one just need to register here.

10:00 Coffee and registration
10:30 Welcome
Chairs: Nadia Mercader and Marta Roccio, University of Bern
10:40 Thomas Nevian, University of Bern, Switzerland In vivo imaging of neuronal circuits in the anterior cingulate cortex
11:10 Julien Vermot, IGBMC, France Mechanical forces and tissue morphogenesis under the microscope
11:40 Darren Gilmour, University of Zurich, Switzerland Organ assembly: From single cell to cell collective and back
12:10 Ulf Rädler, Ibidi, Munich, Germany Cells in focus - new ways in cell microscopy
12:30 Lunch and industry exhibition
Chairs: Olivier Guenat and Sean Hall, University of Bern
14:00 Thomas Wagner, GE Healthcare, Baden, Switzerland High content screening of complex biological models
14:20 Kasper Renggli, ETHZ D-BSSE, Basel, Switzerland Microtissues meet microfluidics-microphysiological systems for multi-tissue interaction
14:50 Matthias Lütolf, EPFL, Switzerland Organoid development by design
15:20 Marianna Kruithof-de Julio, University of Bern, CH Preclinical models of precision medicine in prostate cancer
15:50 Conclusions and farewell


Approved for 0.5 day credit for continued animal experimentation
Languages: English