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Misuse potential and biosecurity in life sciences research

A discussion basis for scientists on how to address the dual use dilemma of biological research

Research in the life sciences produces knowledge and technologies to the benefit of humanity and the environment. However, certain discoveries can become dangerous when misused out of ill intent. Authors: Oeschger Franziska (Forum for Genetic Research), Jenal Ursula (Jenal & Partners - Jenal & Partners Biosafety Consulting)

Titelblatt Broschüre Missbrauchspotenzial und Biosecurity in der biologischen Forschung

In the spring of 2016, life scientists from Swiss academic institutions exchanged their views on the misuse potential of biological research and on ways to address it. During these three workshops, the researchers expressed interest in having a written basis for further discussion within the scientific community of risks of possible life science research misuse.

This report from the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences has been developed in response to this request. It was compiled by the Forum for Genetic Research of the Swiss Academy of Sciences with contributions from additional experts, and with the support of the Federal Office for Public Health.

Authors: Dr Ursula Jenal
Standard identifier: ISSN: 2297-1572

Source: Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences (2017) Misuse potential and biosecurity in life sciences research. Swiss Academies Reports 12 (3).

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  • Biosafety
  • Experimental Microbiology
  • Integrity
  • Medical Microbiology
  • Microbiology
  • Synthetic biology


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