- 10-14
- 14-18
- 18+
- 20-40
- 55+
- Family
The exotic colourful plumage of the European bee-eaters is very striking and their typical call can be heard from far away.
They belong to the most popular and rewarding targets for observation in Leukerfeld, particularly because they can be regularly seen from a short distance. European bee-eaters breed in colonies in nests they have burrowed themselves, often in sandpits or in steep banks above water. They are specialists in catching flying insects, and under ideal observation conditions you can sometimes hear the snapping of their beaks if they prey has just managed to escape.
The excursion is conducted in German and French.
At the end you will be served a small aperitif. The duration of the excursion is calculated including the aperitif.
04.06.2023 | 6.30 pm - 9 pm
02.07.2023 | 6.30 pm - 9 pm
Registration required. The number of participants is limited.
Telephone: +41 (0)27 452 60 60
E-Mail: admin@pfyn-finges.ch
Content: simple
Interactivity: active/passive
Inside/outside: outside