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Image: Sebastian,

First external review open of the transformative change assessment

The first external review of the transformative change assessment is open from 3 February to 17 March 2023.

Image: IPBES website

The first external review, which focuses on the first draft of the chapters of the assessment, is one of the most important phases in the IPBES assessment process and is addressed to interested and qualified experts (referred to as “the expert reviewers”). The widest possible participation and most diverse engagement of interested and qualified experts, including scientists, decision makers, practitioners and other knowledge holders from all relevant disciplines and backgrounds, is vital to ensure the scientific quality, credibility and policy relevance of the assessment. Interested and qualified experts are invited to comment on text according to their knowledge and experience. The names of all expert reviewers will be acknowledged in the reports.

If you would like to participate as an expert reviewer in this external review, please follow these steps:

  1. Register as a user of the IPBES website if you have not already done so;
  2. Register to review the draft assessment;
  3. Once registered, you will receive an email providing confidential access to the draft chapters and glossary of the assessment;
  4. Comments must be submitted in English using the Excel comment template available on the same webpage as the chapters;
  5. The secretariat has a new system for submitting comments electronically; when you are ready to submit your comments, please upload your completed Excel template no later than 17 March 2023 here (you must be logged in to upload your template);
  6. If you encounter any technical issues uploading your comments template, please contact

Two online dialogues with stakeholders, including practitioners, in the context of the first external review of the assessment, are scheduled during the review period:

  • 8 March, 10.00-12.00 CET
  • 8 March, 16.00-18.00 CET



Dr. Eva Spehn
Swiss Biodiversity Forum
House of Academies
PO Box
3001 Bern