SCNAT and its network are committed to a sustainable science and society. They support policy-making, administration and business with expert knowledge and actively participate in public discourse. They strengthen the exchange across scientific disciplines and promote early career academics.

Image: Sebastian,

Innovation for sustainability transformation: Exploring fields of tension

The 2024 saguf annual conference will explore fields of tension that must be addressed to build up enabling framework conditions for innovation for sustainability transformation.

Innovation for sustainability transformation: Exploring fields of tension
Image: saguf

Authors: Dr Olivier Ejderyan
Edition / Volume: GAIA 33/2 (2024)
Pages: 256-258
Standard identifier: ISSN print 0940-5550, online 2625-5413,


  • Innovation


Swiss Academic Society for Environmental Research and Ecology (saguf)
c/o Dialog N
Riedtlistrasse 9
8006 Zürich
