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Image: Sebastian,

3rd Storytelling & Storyboarding Science at Locarno Film Festival

For PhD-students enrolled at any Swiss higher education institution



“Great stories happen to those who can tell them” (Ira Glass) We seek to challenge, inspire and train scientists to use narrative techniques and strategies employed in film to produce persuasive presentations and publications. Discovering and learning about filmmakers communication strategies and techniques and applying them in science communication will help scientists for better communication of their research, and scientists are wise enough to do so!

Course "Storytelling & Storyboarding Science at Locarno Festival"
Image: Samer Angelone


I. Theory

  • Scientists learn storytelling and storyboarding from the masters of narrative, ‘the filmmakers’.
  • Scientists learn how to borrow communication strategies and techniques from filmmakers and how to apply them in communicating their science. This will help them to engage audience and increase uptake by incorporating narrative attributes into their teaching, divulgations and publications.

II. Practice

  • Scientists re-write their biographies, abstracts and presentations by using narrative attributes used by filmmakers
  • Scientists attend the Locarno Film Festival 2020 (the 73 edition!). Which is a great opportunity for them to meet professional filmmakers and discuss with them storytelling technics that they can use in communicating their research
  • Eventually, scientists can prepare films about their interviews with the filmmakers

Applications between 1st April and 30th May 2020
Please send a short motivation letter and your CV to

Dr. Samer Angelone (Swiss Science Film Academy)

Information to download


  • Science communication
  • Theater and Cinema
  • Main organiser
    Swiss Science Film Academy


Dr. Samer Angelone
Swiss Science Film Academy
Imfeldstrasse 25
8037 Zürich

CHF 100.– (due only after admission, it covers course material and equipment, accommodation and entrances to all films at the Locarno Festival)
Films: Locarno Film Festival (Locarno)
Theory: Università della Svizzera italiana (Locarno)
Accommodation: Locarno Youth Hostel "Palagiovani"; Via B. Varenna 18 , 6600 Locarno
Languages: English