SCNAT and its network are committed to a sustainable science and society. They support policy-making, administration and business with expert knowledge and actively participate in public discourse. They strengthen the exchange across scientific disciplines and promote early career academics.

Image: Sebastian,

Bulletin SGA 2008_1 e t2 (n°14_1 et 2)

Bulletin SGA 2008_1 e t2 (n°14_1 et 2)

Bulletin SGA 14 1 et 2

Volume 14 / Fascicule 1 et 2

- 8. Internationaler Kongress der Gesellschaft für Anthropologie (GfA),14-18. September 2009, München.

- Kernkompetenzen einer Brückenwissenschaft. Anthropology : core competences of a transdisciplinary Science.



  • Anthropology, Primatology
English, German, Italian, French