SCNAT and its network are committed to a sustainable science and society. They support policy-making, administration and business with expert knowledge and actively participate in public discourse. They strengthen the exchange across scientific disciplines and promote early career academics.

Image: Sebastian,

50th Annual Paleopathology Association Meeting


Reno, Nevada

Registration for the 50th North American Meeting in Reno, NV, April 17-19, 2023, is now open.

Paleopathology Association Logo
Image: PPA

There is a range of different fee categories for in-person and hybrid attendance to reduce costs for PPA members who cannot travel to Reno. When registering as a member please ensure that you have paid your membership fee for 2023.

The registration fee for the North American meeting includes: access to in-person and virtual podium sessions, virtual poster presentations, and the Association Business Meeting (and a boxed lunch for those attending the AGM in person). In-Person and virtual sessions will take place 18-19 April 2023.


  • Anthropology
  • Anthropology, Primatology
  • Evolutionary biology
Late Registration fees apply after 12:00 am EST, 15th March 2023.
Languages: English