SCNAT and its network are committed to a sustainable science and society. They support policy-making, administration and business with expert knowledge and actively participate in public discourse. They strengthen the exchange across scientific disciplines and promote early career academics.

Image: Sebastian,

SYST-EDU.CH - SSS Student travel grants

Starting in 2017, the SSS will award travel grants to students for attending an international meeting.

SSS logo

The conditions are:

  • being a MS or PhD candidate in a Swiss research institution
  • having a research project that includes systematics
  • submitting a talk or a poster to the meeting

Please note that the grant might not cover all your expenses. We plan to support several students, and some years we’ll favour the attendance to a particular meeting. Projects of applicants who do not have support from their own institution will be favoured.

In 2017, preferences for support will be to students wishing to participate to the Meeting of the European systematics societies, BioSYS.EU in Gothenburg, Sweden, in 14-18 August 2017. Because deadlines are very short this year (abstract submission : 1 February 2017), we will consider requests from students whose abstract has not yet been accepted by the conference organizers. To apply, please send by email before 15 March 2017:

  • A description of the project, including an abstract of the presentation or poster, the budget requested and your motivations to attend the meeting (maximum 2 pages, in English)
  • A short curriculum vitae
  • A letter of support of your supervisor, with indications about the
  • unavailability of internal funding for attending the meeting

Grants will be awarded in April 2017.


  • Systematics