La SCNAT e la sua rete adottano iniziative per una società e una comunità scientifica sostenibile. Appoggiano la politica, il governo e l’economia fornendo competenze e mantenendo un dialogo con i cittadini. Rafforzano la condivisione delle discipline scientifiche e promuovono le nuove generazioni accademiche.

Immagine: Sebastian,

The future of gas

Natural gas is no cleaner than other fossil fuels and no alternative to coal on the road to a CO2-free energy supply. This is made clear by this new report by European researchers.

EASAC report "The future of gas"
Immagine: EASAC

Using natural gas instead of coal or oil reduces greenhouse gas impacts only slightly or not at all. To mitigate climate change, it is crucial to stop using all fossil fuels, ban new natural gas boilers and massively expand electricity generation from renewable sources. Methane emissions have a lifetime in the atmosphere of only about 10 years, which is ten times shorter than that of CO2, but their 20-year global warming potential is more than 80 times that of CO2. The new scientific report recommends heat pumps and district heating as alternatives to gas boilers. It is crucial to take social injustices into account in this context, because not all people have the necessary means to purchase a new heating system, thus requiring appropriate support mechanisms.

Edizione / Volume: EASAC Policy Report, 46
Dichiarazione Pagina: vi, 82 p.
Numero standard: ISBN 978-619-92418-2-0 (print) / 978-619-92418-3-7 (PDF)


  • Europa


Dr. Roger Pfister
Accademie svizzere delle scienze (a+)
Casa delle Accademie
Casella postale
3001 Berna
