Per una scienza solida
La SCNAT adotta iniziative per un sistema scientifico svizzero efficiente e al servizio della società. Rafforza la condivisione tra i soggetti della comunità scientifica. Accresce la consapevolezza per la responsabilità morale della scienza e redige linee guida per i processi scientifici e il loro utilizzo.
Aree in cui si impegna la SCNAT
Accademia svizzera di scienze naturali (SCNAT)
Casa delle Accademie
Casella postale
3001 Berna
St. Gallens Höhlenbären kehren zurück
Die Knochen eiszeitlicher Höhlenbären lagerten über hundert Jahre im Naturmuseum St. Gallen. Im Rahmen eines Digitalisierungsprojekts wurden sie nun inventarisiert und sind erstmals für die Wissenschaft und die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich – sogar in Form einer naturgetreuen Rekonstruktion einer Bärin.
Immagine: Naturmuseusm St. GallenArtificial Intelligence to the Rescue
At the Natural History Museum of Neuchatel, artificial intelligence (AI) is being used to optimize the inventory process for a historical collection of mollusks. By automating the transcription and categorization of handwritten information, AI facilitates the rapid and accurate processing of large volumes of data.
Immagine: Muséum d'histoire naturelle de NeuchâtelVerschollener Regenwald-Vogel in Bern aufgetaucht
Der Goldhähnchentyrann aus den brasilianischen Regenwäldern wurde vor rund 30 Jahren das letzte Mal in freier Wildbahn beobachtet. Auch in Museen gibt es kaum Präparate dieser Vogelart. Bei der Aufarbeitung seiner Wirbeltiersammlung hat das Naturhistorische Museum Bern nun ein Exemplar entdeckt.
Immagine: Manuel Schweizer, NMBELighthouse Programmes in Sustainability Research and Innovation
This report argues that one of the most effective ways to support sustainable development through research and innovation is to establish large, integrated funding programmes, referred to here as lighthouse programmes. As well as producing impact-oriented knowledge on key sustainability challenges, these programmes would bring many other societal, scientific, and institutional benefits. These include: building closer relationships between science, society, and policy, and encouraging changes in the academic system itself, for example by increasing its capacity for inter- and transdisciplinary research.
Prix de Quervain 2023: 37,000 ice cliffs and their influence on glacier melt in the Himalayas
More than ever before – Marin Kneib has employed the latest satellite technology and camera systems to measure over 37,000 ice cliffs. The researcher will be awarded the Prix de Quervain 2023 by the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences for an extremely comprehensive doctoral dissertation at the ETH Zurich and the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL.
Immagine: Marin KneibImmagine: Akademien der Wissenschaften Schweiz
Giovane Accademia Svizzera
La Giovane Accademia Svizzera offre alle nuove generazioni l’opportunità di realizzare progetti interdisciplinari e transdisciplinari. Grazie all’impegno e ai contributi di questa Accademia, i membri cercano di individuare tempestivamente le sfide sociali, offrono soluzioni per tali sfide e promuovono il dialogo tra la scienza e la società. La Giovane Accademia Svizzera è stata avviata dall’Accademia Svizzera di Scienze Naturali di cui fa parte.