La SCNAT e la sua rete adottano iniziative per una società e una comunità scientifica sostenibile. Appoggiano la politica, il governo e l’economia fornendo competenze e mantenendo un dialogo con i cittadini. Rafforzano la condivisione delle discipline scientifiche e promuovono le nuove generazioni accademiche.

Immagine: Sebastian,

Young Faculty Meeting Chemistry

The Young Faculty Meeting was set up to promote scientific exchange and networking among young academics in chemistry in Switzerland.

YFM – là où les jeunes professeurs de chimie se retrouvent!
Immagine: «Platform Chemistry», SCNAT

The YFM is an annual networking event in Bern, co-organised between the «Platform Chemistry» of SCNAT and two young professors.

Every young group leader and professor within the first ten years after their PhD is invited. Scientific presentations of participants are balanced with thematic talks about topics like funding, career, science communication, new media, technology transfer, etc.


  • Formazione dei giovani talenti


Piattaforma Chimica
Casa delle Accademie
Casella postale
3001 Berna