La SCNAT e la sua rete adottano iniziative per una società e una comunità scientifica sostenibile. Appoggiano la politica, il governo e l’economia fornendo competenze e mantenendo un dialogo con i cittadini. Rafforzano la condivisione delle discipline scientifiche e promuovono le nuove generazioni accademiche.

Immagine: Sebastian,

IPCC AR5 WG II Report "Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability"

Contribution of Working Group II to the IPCC 5th assessment report (AR5)

The Working Group II contribution to the Fifth Assessment Report considers the vulnerability and exposure of human and natural systems, the observed impacts and future risks of climate change, and the potential for and limits to adaptation. The chapters of the report assess risks and opportunities for societies, economies, and ecosystems around the world.

Summary for Policymakers: IPCC AR5 WG II Report "Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability"


  • Adattamento
  • Vulnerabilità