La SCNAT e la sua rete adottano iniziative per una società e una comunità scientifica sostenibile. Appoggiano la politica, il governo e l’economia fornendo competenze e mantenendo un dialogo con i cittadini. Rafforzano la condivisione delle discipline scientifiche e promuovono le nuove generazioni accademiche.

Immagine: Sebastian,

Sustainability Science Dialogue successfully launched

The Sustainability Science Dialogue series was successfully launched at the University of Neuchâtel on 28.09.2021. This event series serves to substantiate research needs and encourage collaborative projects based on the themes suggested by the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences.

Sustainability Science Dialogue
Immagine: Hansjakob Fehr, 1kilo

The topic of our first event in collaboration with the University of Neuchâtel was «Sustainable mitigation and adaptation to climate change». The main question was: What contribution can science and researchers make towards a more sustainable society? By bringing together scientists across faculties, we could increase awareness of ongoing research activities related to climate change, foster exchange and encourage the forging of new partnerships. The presentations of the 25 participants were grouped thematically according to the Swiss Academies’ priority themes for sustainability research and illustrated how UniNE’s researchers are working on climate change-related topics from diverse angles.

Blog with summarised proceedings
Read an account of the first events in our brand-new blog, where we will summarise all upcoming events of the Sustainability Science Dialogue series. Sustainability Science Dialogue Blog
