La SCNAT e la sua rete adottano iniziative per una società e una comunità scientifica sostenibile. Appoggiano la politica, il governo e l’economia fornendo competenze e mantenendo un dialogo con i cittadini. Rafforzano la condivisione delle discipline scientifiche e promuovono le nuove generazioni accademiche.

Immagine: Sebastian,

UNFCCC climate change conference in Montreal from 29 November to 9 December 2005

Useful Links

The Conference of Parties to the Climate Convention (COP11) has started. The first ever Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol (MOP) is held parallel to the COP.  All parties that have signed the Kyoto Protocol are invited to the MOP.

Wetter und Klima (Symbolbild)
Immagine: NASA

Useful Links: Official Homepage
United Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

Earth Negotiations Bulletin - ENB
The ENB is produced and published by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) and provides a good coverage of the ongoing negotiations and side events.

The Climate Conference Newsletter ECO
ECO is produced by the Climate Action Network (CAN) uniting over 340 Non-Governmental Organizations

ClimateWire is a daily updated international news service focussing on climate change.

Reports from Roland Hohmann from the conference and report of the Swiss scientific delegate:

