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ForumAlpinum: Call for posters
ForumAlpinum is a scientific conference aiming to promote international research cooperation on topics of relevance across the entire Alpine Arc. From June 12–14, 2024, ISCAR organises the next Forum Alpinum in Kranjska Gora, Slovenia. This year, we would particularly like to invite students, young and early-career researchers from various scientific disciplines to present posters with their research findings relating and relevant to the Alps.
ForumAlpinum 2024 - Call for contributions
We are happy to invite you to submit your abstract of scientific paper presentation for the ForumAlpinum, addressing one or several of the topics listed or any other biodiversity/geodiversity related topic. Abstracts are accepted until 24th of November and should be max. 250 words long including title, a brief description of the theme and content, up to 5 keywords, and the name(s) of the author(s) with affiliation.
Bild: Lena Kropivšek
Save the date Forum Alpinum 2024
ISCAR organises the Forum Alpinum 2024 in Kranjska Gora, Slovenia, all around the question «The Alps – a Refuge of Bio- and Geodiversity?” The forum will identify hot spots of bio- and geodiversity and their management in the Alps, analyse land use conflicts and their impact on bio- and geodiversity, and assess the relevance of bio- and geodiversity protection in the regional, national or international context to discuss possible solutions.
Bild: ISCAR, 2023