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PDF Workhop in Basel


Switzerland Innovation Park Basel Area AG
Hegenheimermattweg 167A
4123 Allschwill, Switzerland

Always wanted to use the Pair Distribution Fonction? This worshop will teach you all you need to get started.

PDF worshop Basel

The workshop will introduce to:

  • PDF principles
  • Instrumentation (laboratory and large scale)
  • Data collection, reduction and basic modelling
  • Software tools and approaches
  • Applications

The workshop is intended for graduate and postgraduate students, newbies to the subject, with speakers from academic research labs, large scale facilities and companies supplying PDF instrumentation and software.

Topics will be discussed in an introductory manner, including examples and/or demos. Participants will be provided with information on where to follow up in detail on different subjects.

Participants are invited, and encouraged, to join the annual meeting of the Swiss Society for Crystallography the day after, 12.09.2024.

The workshop will be held on-site only.

REGISTER on https://swisscrystallog-pdf2024.epfl.ch/


Sprachen: Englisch