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Decolonising Swiss-African Research Collaborations

Panel at the Swiss Researching Africa Days


09:00 - 12:30


University of Bern, Unitobler, Lerchenweg 36

This panel at the Swiss Researching Africa Days will reflect on what colonial legacies in research, education and societies mean for fair and equal research partnerships and how these legacies could be overcome. Sign up by October 16.

CLOC East Africa
Bild: shutterstock / Arthimedes

Research and education addressing global crises, such as the recent pandemics or global inequalities, require international collaboration that includes institutions from Switzerland and African countries. However, colonial legacies within research and education manifested in power relations, epistemology, methodology and curricula still influence the strategic direction and implementation of research projects and collaborations. A growing community of researchers is critically reflecting on ways and perspectives to “decolonise” research collaborations.

During this panel we will be discussing how education and Swiss research collaborations and partnerships with African countries are influenced by colonial legacies. How do these affect knowledge production, the representation of different partners’ interests and values, the perception of global and local problems and scientific contributions to the development of solutions? We would like to creatively reflect on ways to overcome colonial legacies within research, education and society in order to decolonise research collaborations and partnerships.

Fabian Käser and Anja Bretzler, Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries (KFPE)
Ravaka Andriamihaja, Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern

For a detailed programme of the panel and to register, see the website of the Swiss Researching Africa Days. Please register by October 16


Sprachen: Englisch