- Press release
Geo-Erbe der Schweiz nachhaltig nutzen
Image: Pierre Dèzes, SCNAT1/8- Press release
Prix Expo 2024 geht an das Naturhistorische Museum Neuenburg und an das Postnaturhistorische Museum
Image: SCNAT2/8- Press release
Transformativer Wandel ist notwendig, dringend und möglich
Image: Dachverband Schweizer Jugendparlamente3/8- Press release
Herausforderungen rund um Biodiversität, Wasser, Nahrung, Gesundheit und Klima koordiniert angehen
Image: Image by Myriams-Fotos from Pixabay4/8- Press release
Grosse Risiken und offene Fragen bei der Veränderung der Sonneneinstrahlung als Klimamassnahme
Image: freestockgallery.de5/8- Press release
They made Geneva the capital of perfume chemistry
Image: Givaudan6/8- Press release
Severe melting of glaciers despite heavy snowfall at high altitudes
Image: Matthias Huss7/8- Press release
Abschuss des Wolfsrudels beim Nationalpark aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht nicht angezeigt
Image: Schweizerischer Nationalpark8/8
In focus

Swiss Landscape Congress
Landscapes are constantly changing – whether due to natural processes, human activities or changing perceptions. At the Swiss Landscape Congress, representatives from the fields of politics and practice, research and educationteaching meet to discuss and develop solutions for the qualitative development of the Swiss landscape. Website (in German or French)
Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT)
House of Academies
PO Box
3001 Bern
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The platforms of SCNAT
The platforms deal with topics that are important to social and science policy. They also unite the specialist societies of the various scientific disciplines as well as the Cantonal and Regional societies under their umbrella.